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  • Immagine del redattoreGiancarlo Poli

Ready! Project 2021. Ride for Sudan.

Aggiornamento: 13 lug 2021

July 2021, 10 days riding around Italy promoting the new fundraising! This here we will support school projects in Sudan!

Do you want to join me and support a good cause too? I'm collecting donations for the Foundation Fabrizio Meoni Onlus and your contribution will make a difference. Big or small, each contribution is useful. Thanks for your support.

The Foundation Fabrizio Meoni Onlus was founded in 2006 by Meoni Family and the Solidarity Association In Buone Mani Onlus. Father Arturo Buresti was its first Honorary President. He promoted projects in several African countries, he made possible it by the help received and thanks to the support of many collaborators and volunteer contacts in Italy and abroad ...

You can use the facebook (FB pays all processing fees on your behalf, so the noprofit organization will receive 100% of your donation):

or you can donate using bank account:


Bank: Intesa San Paolo - Filiale di Castiglion Fiorentino, Arezzo (Italia)

Account Number: 100000007839

IBAN: IT 39 Q 03069 71417 100000007839


Reason for transfer: "Donazione progetti Africa (gp)"

Please write entire name "FONDAZIONE FABRIZIO MEONI ONLUS" on your wire tranfer request.

PayPal and CreditCards on the Official Site:

What is new this year?

There are two kinds of givers. As last year, you can donate whenever you want starting from now.

If you want to be a giver 2.0 you can contact me and tell me how much you will donate for each kilometer I'll do (0,5, 0.10, 0.20, 0.50 ...1 E/Km). Every night at the end of the journey I'll say how many kilometers I did. You will donate when the adventure will finish.

my contacts:

Blog, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: Cicloviaggiatore Obeso

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